OPINION|2020 The Best Year Yet!

Amashi de Mel
3 min readDec 19, 2020
Sublime Sunset

I did not get that promotion, go on that vacation or make more money than I did last year. 2020 cancelled every man-made plan I was a part of. So how did this year become my best year … yet?

Uncertainty. This, forced the world to hit pause. The effects of the pandemic were experienced as a collective human race. My material goals collapsed like the economy yet, the overwhelmed masses led me to consciously choosing to detach myself from everything that upset me, and instead, chase the light at the end of this tunnel. This choice inturn led me to discover that 2020 has shaken my definition of “reality” and what many considered “normal”, to show me that anything is possible.

So what am I truly grateful for this year? Here are my top 3 learnings/q blessings of 2020:

  1. 2020 Vision: Clarity to see how we have allowed our reality to be shaped. From social conditioning, to corporate agenda and an utterly redundant economic system — they are simply forms of restraint on every aspect of our being, while here on Earth. I mean, do you really think we are birthed into this planet — through such a miraculous way — to only follow an education, get a job, retire and die?? It’s truly the year to see beyond your conditioned reality and the world at large, beyond operating as “programmed”.
  2. Time: What an illusion! Suddenly, there was time for all the things I had wanted to do, but couldn’t. I got to wake up to every sunrise, and witness every sunset. Time seemed to have extended during the day, I had time for office work, house work and self-care, yet, by the end of each month it seemed like the days vanished in the blink of an eye! I mean look at us reading this in mid December of 2020, soon it might just turn 2025!
  3. Abundance: Not money. But freedom. my physical abode may have been literally stuck indoors, but my mind? It was and is free. I believe the Universe gives everything that we need — even if it means you’re experiencing shitty things, if you’re certain that you’re doing the right thing, the Universe is sure to bless you in other ways. I’ve started to think of things as “it’s not happening to me, it’s just happening in this earthly plane, at this particular moment in time”. So, even on days where things didn’t go as planned, I had alternative blessings to be grateful for; health, enough money to get through the month, family etc. Did this thinking convert my life to run smoothly? Hell no, but it can seem like all is smooth if I want it to be. Just appreciate the little things!

In a nutshell, it has been a challenging year for certain, I’ve failed to tick many boxes from a material perspective but, for the first time … it’s irrelevant! Instead of fearing the uncertainty 2020 forced upon this planet, I chose to embrace it. So, despite all the chaos, I was able to find peace and the ability to always find rest in the eye of the storm.



Amashi de Mel

Lover of Words, Art and Life. Seeker of everyday fantasies & finding alternative realities